Post-Processing & Reconstruction

These scripts post-process the single- or multi-field integrals computed by the C++ code. This computes the shot-noise rescaling parameter(s), \(\alpha_i\), from data derived covariance matrices (from individual jackknife correlation functions computed in the Jackknife Matrix Correlation Functions script). A variety of analysis products are output as an .npz file, as described below.

Single-Field Reconstruction

This reconstructs output covariance matrices for a single field. Before running this script, covariance matrix estimates must be produced using the Covariance Matrix Estimation code. The shot-noise rescaling parameters are computed by comparing the theoretical jackknife covariance matrix \(\hat{C}^{J}_{ab}(\alpha)\) with that computed from the data itself, using individual unrestricted jackknife estimates \(\hat{\xi}^J_{aA}\). We define the data jackknife covariance matrix as \(C^{\mathrm{data}}_{ab} = \sum_A w_{aA}w_{bA}\left(\hat\xi^J_{aA} - \bar{\xi}_a\right)\left(\hat\xi^J_{bA}-\bar\xi_b\right) / \left(1-\sum_B w_{aB} w_{bB}\right)\), where \(\bar\xi_a\) is the mean correlation function in bin \(a\). We compute \(\alpha\) via minimizing the likelihood function \(-\log\mathcal{L}_1(\alpha) = \mathrm{trace}(\Psi^J(\alpha)C^\mathrm{data}) - \log\mathrm{det}\Psi^J(\alpha)+\mathrm{const}.\) using the (bias-corrected) precision matrix \(\Psi^J(\alpha)\).

NB: Before full computation of precision matrices and shot-noise rescaling, we check that the matrices have converged to a sufficient extent to allow convergence. As described in the RascalC paper, we require \(\text{min eig}(C_4) \geq - \text{min eig}(C_2)\) to allow inversion. If this condition is met (due to too small sampling time, i.e. too low \(\{N_i\}\) and/or \(N_\mathrm{loops}\) values), the code exits.



Input Parameters

  • {XI_JACKKNIFE_FILE}: Input ASCII file containing the correlation function estimates \(\xi^J_A(r,\mu)\) for each jackknife region, as created by the Jackknife Matrix Correlation Functions script. This has the format specified in File Inputs.
  • {WEIGHTS_DIR}: Directory containing the jackknife weights and pair counts, as created by the Computing Jackknife Weights script. This must contain jackknife_weights_n{N}_m{M}_j{J}_{INDEX}.dat and binned_pair_counts_n{N}_m{M}_j{J}_{INDEX}.dat using the relevant covariance matrix binning scheme.
  • {COVARIANCE_DIR}: Directory containing the covariance matrix .txt files output by the Covariance Matrix Estimation C++ code. This directory should contain the subdirectories CovMatricesAll and CovMatricesJack containing the relevant analysis products.
  • {N_MU_BINS}: Number of angular (\(\mu\)) bins used in the analysis.
  • {N_SUBSAMPLES}: Number of individual matrix subsamples computed in the C++ code. This is the \(N_\mathrm{loops}\) parameter used in the main-code code. Individual matrix estimates are used to remove quadratic bias from the precision matrix estimates and compute the effective number of degrees of freedom \(N_\mathrm{eff}\).
  • {OUTPUT_DIR}: Directory in which to save the analysis products. This will be created if not present.

NB: This script may take several minutes (to hours) to run if \(N_\mathrm{loops}\) is larger than a few 10s.


This script creates a single compressed Python file Rescaled_Covariance_Matrices_n{N}_m{M}_j{J}.npz as an output in the given output directory. All matrices follow the collapsed bin indexing \(\mathrm{bin}_\mathrm{collapsed} = \mathrm{bin}_\mathrm{radial}\times n_\mu + \mathrm{bin}_\mathrm{angular}\) for a total of \(n_\mu\) angular bins and have dimension \(n_\mathrm{bins}\times n_\mathrm{bins}\) for a total of \(n_\mathrm{bins}\) bins. Precision matrices are computed using the quadratic bias elimination method of O’Connell & Eisenstein 2018. All matrices are output using the optimal shot-noise rescaling parameter. This file may be large (up to 1GB) depending on the values of \(n_\mathrm{bins}\) and \(N_\mathrm{loops}\) used.

The output file has the following entries:

  • shot_noise_rescaling (Float): Optimal value of the shot-noise rescaling parameter, \(\alpha^*\), from the \(\mathcal{L}_1\) maximization.
  • jackknife_theory_covariance (np.ndarray): Theoretical jackknife covariance matrix estimate \(\hat{C}^J_{ab}(\alpha^*)\).
  • full_theory_covariance (np.ndarray): Theoretical full covariance matrix estimate \(\hat{C}_{ab}(\alpha^*)\).
  • jackknife_data_covariance (np.ndarray): Data-derived jackknife covariance matrix \(\hat{C}^{J,\mathrm{data}}_{ab}\), computed from the individual unrestricted jackknife correlation function estimates.
  • jackknife_theory_precision (np.ndarray): Associated precision matrix to the theoretical jackknife covariance matrix estimate, \(\Psi_{ab}^J(\alpha^*)\).
  • full_theory_precision (np.ndarray): Associated precision matrix to the theoretical full covariance matrix estimate, \(\Psi_{ab}(\alpha^*)\).
  • individual_theory_covariances (list): List of individual (and independent) full theoretical covariance matrix estimates. These are used to compute \(\tilde{D}_{ab}\) and comprise N_SUBSAMPLES estimates.
  • full_theory_D_matrix (np.ndarray): Quadratic bias correction \(\tilde{D}_{ab}\) matrix for the full theoretical covariance matrix, as described in O’Connell & Eisenstein 2018.
  • N_eff (Float): Effective number of mocks in the output full covariance matrix, \(N_\mathrm{eff}\), computed from \(\tilde{D}_{ab}\).

Multi-Field Reconstruction

Analogous to the above, this code performs reconstruction of the covariance matrices, \(C_{ab}^{XY,ZW}\) for two field cases, using the relevant jackknife correlation functions \(\xi^{J,XY}_{aA}\) and covariance matrix components. Here, we estimate the shot-noise parameters \(\alpha_1\) and \(\alpha_2\) purely from the (11,11) and (22,22) autocovariance matrices, as these give the strongest constraints. In this case, the code will exit if the \(C_4^{11,11}\) and/or \(C_4^{22,22}\) are not sufficiently converged, (checking these matrices since \(C^{11,11}\) and \(C^{22,22}\) must be inverted to compute \(\alpha_1\) and \(\alpha_2\)).



Input parameters are as before, with the addition of \(\xi^{J,12}_{aA}\) and \(\xi^{J,22}_{aA}\) files.


As above, we create a single compressed Python file for the output analysis products, now labelled Rescaled_Multi_Field_Covariance_Matrices_n{N}_m{M}_j{J}.npz, which contains output matrices for all combinations of the two fields. This could be a large file. This file has the same columns as the single field case, but now shot_noise_rescaling becomes a length-2 array \((\alpha_1^*,\alpha_2^*)\). All other products are are arrays of matrices (shape \(2\times2\times2\times2\times n_\mathrm{bins} \times n_\mathrm{bins}\)) which are specified by 4 input parameters, corresponding to the desired X, Y, Z, W fields in \(C^{XY,ZW}\). This uses Pythonic indexing from 0 to label the input fields. For example, we can access the \(\Psi^{11,21}_{ab}\) precision matrix by loading the relevant column and specifying the index [0,0,1,0] e.g. to load this matrix we simply use:

>>> dat=np.load("Rescaled_Multi_Field_Covariance_Matrices_n36_m12_j169.npz") # load the full data file
>>> full_precision = dat['full_theory_precision'] # load the precision matrix
>>> psi_1121 = full_precision[0,0,1,0] # specify the (11,21) component